Perspectives: An Attention-Seeker

Perspectives: An Attention-Seeker

Perspectives: An Attention-Seeker In my late teens, I began to appreciate my appearance. After years of wearing loose-fitting clothes, I finally made peace with the way my hips flared and how much space my thighs took up. I began to wear close-fitting clothes that made 

Perspectives: Sunrays From The Cave

Perspectives: Sunrays From The Cave

Perspectives Sunrays From The Cave Written by Meshach   Mentions of: Substance use, thoughts and plans of self-harm mentioned My name is Meshach and I live with bipolar disorder. It has been a very intense, difficult, and rewarding journey all at the same time. Early 

Perspectives: Made of Depression

Perspectives: Made of Depression

Perspectives Made of Depression Written by B²   Depression, What you make of it.Depression, Whats your take on it. Ever felt low?Angry to let go?Detached like velcro?Echo, echo, echo, That smile inRetro, retro, re, retrospect,Jumping jacks for just half a sec,Smashed my quest, to find 

Perspectives: Faith & Mental Illness, A Journey of Authenticity, Kindness, and Honesty

Perspectives: Faith & Mental Illness, A Journey of Authenticity, Kindness, and Honesty

Perspectives Faith & Mental Illness : A Journey of Authenticity, Kindness, and Honesty  article written by Nya Abernathy   It was my final year of university. I woke up and went to bed each day engulfed in fear. Fear that I was destined for doom. 

Perspectives: Capturing engaging and evocative imagery that inspires people to appreciate the  POWER OF PERSPECTIVE!

Perspectives: Capturing engaging and evocative imagery that inspires people to appreciate the POWER OF PERSPECTIVE!

Perspectives Capturing engaging and evocative imagery that inspires people to appreciate the POWER OF PERSPECTIVE!  article written by Lindsi Hollend   We all have stories that define us – they can carry us through storms, or pull us down to the depths. I am going 

Films and Shows about LGBTrights

Films and Shows about LGBTrights

Films and Shows about LGBT+ rights May 17 is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia To celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, here are a few films and shows that recognize the hardships and challenges that a community, including allies, struggles to 

Perspectives: I am an Overeater

Perspectives: I am an Overeater

Perspectives: I am an Overeater  article written by Anonymous   Trigger Warnings Substance use/abuse Want to Share your Story? I love food. That is what I used to say. Food is what tied me to family, friends, new people I would meet, celebrations, sad times 

Perspectives: My Experience with Alcohol and Marijuana

Perspectives: My Experience with Alcohol and Marijuana

Perspectives: My experience with alcohol and marijuana  article written by Anonymous   Trigger Warnings Substance use/abuse Want to Share your Story? I grew up in a household with an alcoholic father. I had many associations with alcohol, it could see it tear my family apart 

Perspectives: Victimized By the Addictions of Others

Perspectives: Victimized By the Addictions of Others

Perspectives: How creating helped my mental health  article written by Anonymous   Trigger Warnings Substance abuse, alcoholism, suicidal imagery Want to Share your Story? I was only eight years old when my parents separated. The most unfortunate by-product of my folk’s splitting up was Andrew; 

Perspectives – Submission Confirmation

Thank you for sharing your Perspective! Thank you for submitting to Perspectives. This is a community project and we hope that more people share their stories so that we can connect, relate and end the stigma together. You should receive an email following your submission.