It’s Okay To Say You’re Not Okay

It’s Okay To Say You’re Not Okay
I have a lot of different “Jobs” in my life: Blog writer, kombucha maker, bliss ball supplier, jewelry designer, and craft extraordinaire. Most recently I have added another job to that list, Youtube film maker. It’s a fancied up labels to make myself feel truly important, you know we all could use a little extra jazz in our life. What does that look like though? I created a youtube channel with a mission of creating a safe place for people. Who? People just like you who are dealing with life. Every now and then life, well, it “life’s” you. There’s no telling why or when but we all go through “dips” in our life. I created my channel based on this, It’s Okay. The idea for my youtube channel came from a constant complaint you could say, my go to saying as it was which is: It’s not okay to say you’re not okay. I always believed that people want to say it’s okay, but then when you do they can’t handle it. Not true but with my saying that’s the view on it that I saw. What’s so amazing is that as I post more videos I get more private messages about how great it is for someone to be talking about the imperfect parts of life. It’s scary to post what I’m going through, but once I post it two things happen: One – I get to let go of the feeling that are inside and by sharing them they have no power over them. Two: I get to help people along the way My ultimate goal is to have everyone in my life post videos. Not only their downs, but what helps them feel better. My only real rule with the channel is it must be authentic. There’s too much “perfect” already spread around the web, we don’t need more of it. I want to create a space where people know that it’s okay to say you’re not okay. That one day it’ll grow even bigger than anything I could imagine. To create a motion that people can be honest and authentic about whatever it is they are going through, the bad and the good. Right now it’s just beginning and from here it can only grow. The videos are completely perfect with them being imperfect. It’s such a practice in letting go of my fear of perfectionism. A true training grounds for an amazing new being. And after all, this is CreateBeing!   Shannon xoxo Instagram

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