Goals can look different

Goals can look different
When we think of what we want in life, we imagine it. Whether you are asked to envision your near or distant future, it is all in your head. Obvious, right? So if we keep it in our head, replay it, etc. then we will see it in a very specific way. Maybe it is naming an ideal age/year to achieve your goals like finding a partner, traveling to Australia/Thailand, writing a novel, owning a store etc.  Years later your check in and either see that you accomplished your goal or wondering how you haven’t. This is your opportunity to check in. This conversation started when someone told me they wanted to write a book. I asked if it had to be in a physical book form and if they could see it happening on paper, blog or even through drawing. The reaction was simple, ‘I didn’t consider that’. This is a super way to figure out what it is you really want out of ‘writing a novel’. It may not even be writing that is the source. Maybe you want to be nationally recognized for your work and writing was something you’ve been good at, for example. Consider the possibility that your dream can take many forms.  As many things, let’s first ask why. Why is it important to you to accomplish (this)? Secondly, in what ways can this manifest? If it is a trip to Thailand, figure out why you want to go. Is it because you like the culture and want to be immersed or you want to go somewhere to get myself out of my comfort zone. Consider somewhere else like India, Germany, or even trying something new etc. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you consider the ways in which you can get your goals to come alive. Even if you do a small version, this is a step in the right direction. This may help you decide that the feelings you’re feeling are worth repeating. If you don’t think they are worth repeating, great! This demonstrates that too. Whatever you get from this (and hopefully you do get something from reading this), action your goals. It is nice to have them, but it is better to cross them off.

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